Relational database without referential integrity


Viewed 82 times


I bought a software to make some modifications and implement improvements. However, when I went to evaluate the database, it has no referential integrity, that is, the tables are not interconnected. The business rules are perfect. From the software quality point of view this is very bad? wordpress, for example, does not use referential integrity.

1 answer


Depends. If the programmers of the software abused the lack of referential integrity, aware of it or not, then it is bad, because you will have inconsistent data in your database that you may not know how to fix. Otherwise it’s not that bad, but it’s still bad, and it’s recommended to apply integrity where you know it to avoid bigger problems in the future. Or leave it like this, and hope not to give any problem (counting on luck). For which parachute? /s

  • But wordpress, for example, does not use referential integrity. And look that wordpress developers are very good. What do you think about it? Everything depends on a software perspective?

  • I’ve worked with a bank with no integrity and no problems, but I wouldn’t particularly risk.

  • I have also seen cases where it was not used to "improve the speed" of the bank but if "guarantee" the integrity of the data by the application, I particularly prefer to use when possible and or necessary

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