I am creating a workbook in excel that will serve as a template for many others that will be generated through it.
This template workbook has 5 worksheets, and one of it can be replicated several times with several different names like: Financial, Billing, Tax, etc, depending on the need of each project.
One of my spreadsheets contains a reference to data that appears in these new spreadsheets through a formula. Below I will give an example of how is my spreadsheet:
Nome 001
Nome 002
Nome 003
The column of points today has a formula where I enter, manually, the name of the sheet that he needs to search for, for example: Financial! A1:C50. What I would like is to be able to search in the spreadsheet that takes the same name of the column, so it would be dynamic.
NOTE: The number of rows for each project in this summary sheet is also variable, so I need to leave the formula picking in the Table column to be able to calculate.
Below the column code following points:
=SE(ÉERROS(ÍNDICE(Modelo!$D$3:$BA$3;1;CORRESP($C5;Modelo!$D$3:$BA$3;0) + 2));"";ÍNDICE(Modelo!$D$3:$BA$3;1;CORRESP($C5;Modelo!$D$3:$BA$3;0) + 2))
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Excel Formulas is rated at +8/-3 on What topics should be part of our focus (on-topic)?– brasofilo
After all Excel can be considered a programming language :)
– bfavaretto