How to change the URL that consumes a Webservice?


Viewed 1,066 times


I have a Webservice written in C# and the client application (data collectors).

Collectors consume Webservice to view information in the main comic. On every client I install my Webservice (Data Server) has a different IP.

How can I parameterize client applications (collectors) via code to consume Webservice in a different IP than I used to add Web References?

Is there any way to change via code the IP to fetch the Webservice?


MeuWS objColetar = new MeuWS();
objColetar.URL = novoIP;
objColetar.FuncaoColetar(param1, param2);
  • 1

    Lucio, you checked the Web.Config ? Usually endpoints are registered there.

  • But doesn’t Web.Config only exist in Web applications? My client application is Windowsce, so it should be App.Config, however, I don’t know how to create it.

  • understood, as you had not explained, I thought it was an application that had Web.Config or App.Config... If there is App.Config, they would be there..

  • So, but how do I create this app.config ?

  • So it should be already created, since you have configured the application. Which version of the framework ?

2 answers


Try the following:

MeuWS objColetar = new MeuWS();
objColetar.Endpoint.Address = new System.ServiceModel.EndpointAddress(novoIP); // por exemplo,
objColetar.FuncaoColetar(param1, param2);


Try this:

ServiceReferenceAbrasfV201.nfseClient wsClient = 
        new ServiceReferenceAbrasfV201.nfseClient("nfseSOAP1", EnderecoWebService);

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