I need to convert a pdf to an image .TIFF
. I’m using the code below:
convertidoTIFF <- pdf_convert(pdfTeste, format = "tiff")
armaz <- vector("list", length(convertidoTIFF))
for(i in 1:length(convertidoTIFF)){
armaz[[i]] <- pdf_render_page(pdfTeste, numeric = T, page = i, dpi = 72, antialias = T)
writeTIFF(armaz, "C:\\Users\\flavio.matos\\Documents\\vish2.tiff", bits.per.sample = 8, compression = c("deflate"), reduce = T)
The file that is being generated is very large, because tiff goes to an external software that does not accept images above a certain size. Below the properties of an image accepted by the external system. An example file has, from the properties below, 85Kb, while the one I Gero has 751Kb
Is there any other package that has gere tiff with the compaction CCITT T.6?