How to hide and show a div dynamically?


Viewed 74 times


I need to dynamically show and hide a div. I even got something very simple using *ngIf, but what I need is that: When you click "the grid button", it opens the div only with the information relating to this "item". Today as I am doing on top of a boolean variable, my list is loaded, and as the div is static, when I click on the grid button, it opens all the Divs in the list, I need you to open only the div referring to that item. Some help?

  <ion-item *ngFor="let item of itens">
      <ion-col col-9>
      <ion-col col-3>
      <ion-col col-9>
        <p>Quantidade: {{item.quantidadeTotal}}</p>
        <button ion-button outline color="primary"
                icon-only (click)="detalhesItem(item)">
                <ion-icon name="arrow-dropdown"></ion-icon>
      <ion-col col-3></ion-col>
    <div *ngIf="mostraGrades">
      <ion-row *ngFor="let grade of item.grades">
        <ion-col col-8>
        <ion-col col-2>
        <ion-col col-2>
          <button ion-button small clear color="dark"
                  Ver tudo

Meu ts:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { IonicPage, NavController, NavParams } from 'ionic-angular';
import { FirebaseListObservable, AngularFireDatabase } from 

   selector: 'page-itens',
   templateUrl: 'itens.html',
export class ItensPage {

itensFirebase: FirebaseListObservable<any[]>;
itens: Array<any>;
listaItens: Array<any>;
mostraGrades: any;

constructor(public navCtrl: NavController, 
            public navParams: NavParams,
            public db: AngularFireDatabase) {

            let pathItens = `/itens/`;
            this.itensFirebase = db.list(pathItens, {
              query: {
                 orderByChild: 'nome'

            this.itensFirebase.subscribe( data => {
               this.itens = data;
               this.listaItens = data;

 detalhesItem(item: any){
   this.mostraGrades = !this.mostraGrades;


 detalhesItemGrade(grade: any){
   this.navCtrl.push('DetalhesItemGradePage', {gradeEscolhida: grade});

 inicializarLista(): void {
   this.itens = this.listaItens;

 buscarItens(searchbar) {
   var q = searchbar.srcElement.value;
   if (!q) {
   this.itens = this.itens.filter((c) => {
     if(c.nome && q) {

     if (c.nome.toLowerCase().indexOf(q.toLowerCase()) > -1) {
        return true;
     return false;



  • Take a look at my answer, the logic is basically the same

  • Boy, thank you so much for the answer. I managed to solve with your example, thanks.

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