Return message using declare?


Viewed 23 times


I need to check a variable on MySQL similar to that of the SQLSERVER. where i check return on a variable in the bank’s own message example in SQLSERVER I do so:

PRINT @Nome;

when running this code the database returns me: NAME.

But I can’t do it in MySQL

  • Try using SET instead of DECLARE.

  • 1

    @Kayobruno "in place" I think it is not possible, if change the declare for set won’t work, maybe use a set after the declare That’s what you meant?

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1 answer


The MySQL does not have print.

Instead make a SELECT of your variable:

SET @nome = 'NOME';    
SELECT @nome;
  • It worked perfectly...Thank you

  • @user143412 do not forget to mark the answer as accepted

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