Python Code - Conditional Structure


Viewed 361 times


As I do in Python to receive the value of the base salary and the sales value of this seller, the employee’s basic salary should be up to R $ 700.00 with a 4.5% bonus on their sales and if the sales volume is greater than R $ 15.000,00 wins a 1.2% sales bonus.

For now my code is like this:

sal = float ("Insira salário: "()) 

ven = float ("Insira valor de vendas: "()) 

if sal <= 700 and ven >= 15000.00:

bonisal = 0.045

boniven = 0.012

calsal = (salario * bonisal) * 100

calven = (vendas * boniven) * 100
  • I made more lines, update the page. Now I wonder if it’s all in the same condition.

4 answers


First, the "function" (which is a class) float does not read the program input. That is, you cannot ask the user a value through it, for this you will need the function input (raw_input in Python 2). Use float only to define a numerical value from the read value. We can add to the process a validation to ensure that the reported salary is less than or equal to 700, as stated in the statement:

while True:
        salario = float(input('Informe o salário: R$ '))
        if not 0 < salario <= 700.00:
            raise ValueError('Salario precisa positivo e até 700')
    except ValueError as error:

Thus the user will be asked until he enters a valid value:

>>> Informe o salário: R$ a
could not convert string to float: 'a'
>>> Informe o salário: R$ 800
Salario precisa positivo e até 700
>>> Informe o salário: R$ 500

We do the same for the value sold, but now without the validation of the range:

while True:
        vendas = float(input('Informe o valor em vendas: R$ '))
    except ValueError as error:

Statement says there is a 4.5% bonus on the sale value:

bonificacao = 4.5 / 100

Plus a 1.2% increase if sales exceed 15,000:

if vendas > 15_000:
    bonificacao += 1.2 / 100

Therefore the final amount of the salary will be:

final = salario + vendas * bonificacao


If you want a simple code without having so many checks you can simply use this code:

sal = float(input('Insira o salário: '))
vendas = float(input('Insira o valor de vendas: '))
while True:
    if sal < 700:
        print('Salario precisa ser positivo e até R$700')
        sal = float(input('Salário: '))

bonificacao = vendas * (4.5/100)
if ven > 150000:
    bonificacao += vendas * (1.2/100)

calcvendas = sal + bonificacao
  • Thank you very much, I really understood this code better but I realized that it is wrong in the line that has "if ven > 15000" instead of "if sales > 150000" but my teacher is still in conditional structure and you used the repeating structure while

  • @Sonogoku, got it. I’ll edit the question to answer your question :)



My suggestion consists of a function that can receive the percentages for the bonuses as optional parameters and returns a dictionary with the values informed by the user and the calculations performed.

def calcvendas(bnf=4.5, bnf_adicional=1.2):
    salario, vendas = -1, -1
    while salario<0 or salario>700:
            salario = float(input('Digite o salário (até 700): '))
        except ValueError as error:
    while vendas<0:
            vendas = float(input('Insira o valor de vendas (>=0): '))
        except ValueError as error:
    bonificacao = vendas * (bnf/100) 
    adicional = 0 if vendas <= 15000 else vendas * (bnf_adicional/100)
    return {'Salario': salario, 'Vendas': vendas, 
            'Bonificacao': bonificacao, 'Adicional': adicional, 
            'Total': salario+bonificacao+adicional}


In case the user has typed 500 for salary and 16000 for sales, the output would be:

{'Salario': 500.0,
 'Vendas': 16000.0,
 'Bonificacao': 720.0,
 'Adicional': 192.0,
 'Total': 1412.0}

Note that in my understanding, in case the seller reaches the goal of exceeding 15k of sales, he earns the additional on the sale value.

See working on repl it.


Brother, I am without Python here to check if the code is running without bugs, but, if I didn’t understand wrong what you asked, this code here will work:
(checks if there is no syntax error because I wrote in the block)

sal = float (input('Insira o salário do vendedor (de no máximo R$ 700,00): '))  
ven = float (input('Insira o valor de vendas realizadas: '))  
if ven <= 15000:  
    sal_com_bonificação = sal +((ven/100) * 4.5)  
elif ven > 15000:  
    sal_com_bonificação = sal +((ven/100) * 1.2)  
print('O salário do vendedor que ganha {} e vendeu {} será {}'.format(sal; ven; sal_com_bonificação))  

PS: Remember to indent the conditions below IF and ELIF.

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