How to identify when someone is uploading to the page?


Viewed 90 times


I need to refresh the page every 5 minutes, but I have a form for sending files on the page and are usually large files.

Is there any way to identify when someone is uploading a file with Javascript?

Javascript code:

setTimeout('location.reload();', 5000);
  • How are you updating the page? With meta or javascript?

  • edited the question, I’m using Javascript

2 answers


If the upload is being carried out via POST of the form, the page makes refresh to send the data.

If the upload is being carried out via Ajax, can use a global variable to control upload status:

var variavelGlobalControloUpload;

function minhaFuncaoUpload() {

    // upload começou, dar a conhecer à variavel de controlo
    variavelGlobalControloUpload = 'a carregar';

function atualizaPagina () {

   // Verifica se não está a carregar
   if (variavelGlobalControloUpload != 'a carregar') {

     // codigo para atualizar a pagina aqui!

Note: This is a concept, you must adapt the same to your reality.


Assuming you are aware of the low reliability of a condition made exclusively in Javascript, you can run something in the upload field’s onChange() Event:

With jQuery

    alert( 'Something...' );

Without it, however inline:

<input type="file" name="whatever" onchange="alert( 'Something...' );" />

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