Search text in DB without '</ br>'


Viewed 107 times


I am working on a CMS that does text editing already in the database, this works as follows: there are a number of inputs[type="radio"] each one of them is a project, and when one of them is clickado appear 4 textareas (via Ajax) with the four texts corresponding to that project. My problem is that in the texts appear the </ br> previously inserted with the function nl2br of PHP, this is a problem because who will edit the texts do not need to see it. I have the following code:


if(isset($_POST['editTexts'])) {
        if (!empty($_POST['projectIdToEditTexts'])) {

            $id = $_POST['projectIdToEditTexts'];
            $textSeveralToEdit  = nl2br(trim(htmlentities(ucfirst($_POST['editTextSeveral']))));
            $extraTextToEdit  = nl2br(trim(htmlentities(ucfirst($_POST['editExtraTextSeveral']))));
            $textSeveralPTToEdit  = nl2br(trim(htmlentities(ucfirst($_POST['editTextSeveralPT']))));
            $extraTextPTToEdit  = nl2br(trim(htmlentities(ucfirst($_POST['editExtraTextSeveralPT']))));

            $dataBase->updateTextsEdit($id, $textSeveralToEdit, $extraTextToEdit, $textSeveralPTToEdit, $extraTextPTToEdit);
            echo '<p style="text-align:center; color:green;">Success!!<br><br>Text updated!!</p>';

        else {
            echo '<p style="color:red; text-align:center">You must choose a project where to edit the Texts!!</p>';
        <form action="" method="POST">
            <h2>Edit texts from project</h2>
            Select the project you want to edit:
            foreach ($dataBase->fetchAllProjectsAdmin() as $EditButton) {
                <input class="radioEditTexts" type="radio" name="projectIdToEditTexts" value="<?php echo $EditButton->id; ?>">
            echo '<h4>' .$EditButton->description. '</h4>';
            } ?>
            <div id="editTexts">

            <input type="submit" name="editTexts">


$('.radioEditTexts').click(function() {

            var viewTexts = $(this).attr('value');

                type: 'GET',
                url: '../Ajax/editTexts.php',
                data: {"idProject":viewTexts},
                success: function(data) {


$projectId = $_GET['idProject'];

$getTexts = $dataBase->getDetailsById($projectId)[0];

$mainTextEN = $getTexts->text_several;
$extraTextEN = $getTexts->extra_text;
$mainTextPT = $getTexts->text_severalPT;
$extraTextPT = $getTexts->extra_textPT;

<label>Main Text (PT)?<br><br>
    <textarea name="editTextSeveralPT" cols="50" rows="5"><?php echo $mainTextPT; ?></textarea>
<label>Extra text (PT)?<br><br>
    <textarea name="editExtraTextSeveralPT" cols="50" rows="5"><?php echo $extraTextPT; ?></textarea>
<label>Main Text?<br><br>
    <textarea name="editTextSeveral" cols="50" rows="5"><?php echo $mainTextEN; ?></textarea>
<label>Extra text?<br><br>
    <textarea name="editExtraTextSeveral" cols="50" rows="5"><?php echo $extraTextEN; ?></textarea>

2 answers


Assuming I have understood correctly, just reverse what the nl2br() function does.

Since there is no native thing, just a simple substitution:

$var = str_replace( array( '<br>', '<br/>', '<br />' ), "\n", $var );

Or a regular, which is shorter. Whatever:

$var = preg_replace( '#<br\s*/?>#i', "\n", $var );

A more complete example:

<textarea name="editExtraTextSeveralPT" cols="50" rows="5"><?php echo str_replace( array( '<br>', '<br/>', '<br />' ), "\n", $extraTextPT ); ?></textarea>
  • Obgado, but I do not want to remove the '</ br>' I just want them not to be shown in the editing form, I just wanted to change line.

  • ex: If you want to change text below the video you would not like that in the textarea where you were editing appears the '</ br>', just change line. I do not want to exclude the possibility of the user changing line (nl2r).

  • 2

    This is just a visual aid. Yes, you will be removing the <br /> from within the TEXTAREAS, but instead of them there will be line breaks ( n). When the form is submitted for editing, as long as you have another nl2br() equal in the routine that processes the inclusion of a new field in the database <br /> will remain present.

  • Ha sorry yes, I spoke without thinking... I understood, correct this would be the expected behavior however: I do not understand why. I also tried with 'preg_replace'

  • If you refer to "Extra text", no. Note that you opted for str_replace() but removed the <br />. You have to replace them with a line break ( n) otherwise processing this form nl2br(0 will have nothing to work with. In addition to making the text stay visually all glued within the TEXTAREA.

  • Perfect, I apologize for my rashness

  • No problem, I’m glad I could help :)

  • Some <br> in your code would be welcome ;) @Bruno

  • Like this, @brasofilo?

  • I edited the answer to demonstrate, it’s nice to try to avoid the horizontal scrollbar (in my snapshot shows the plugin I use to expand code with scrollbar). But that’s not part of no rules for formatting, feel free to reverse. . . . but I think I’ll put the suggestion there in the guide...

  • I understood, but in this particular case I will only revert because it is a TEXTAREA that keeps the indentation spaces as part of the content. In fact I had even written this way, indented, and changed afterwards.

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I already had this problem and solved it differently, instead of saving with nl2br and every time having q revert to edit and then apply dinovo to save, I decided to save with n same in the bank and use nl2br only when the user was going to read the text in fact. I saved work and space in the bank in the case of very large texts with many line breaks.

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