Error with Abstract method


Viewed 43 times


Good morning, does anyone know why the compiler keeps accusing the error saying that the method is not declared as Abstract, but even though I have declared?inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Follow the link: calculus And the codes below:

using System;

namespace triangulo
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Retangulo r = new Retangulo();
            r.Largura = 8.3;
            r.Altura = 3.5;
            Console.WriteLine("Área do retângulo: {0}", r.CalculaArea());

            Triangulo t = new Triangulo();
            t.Largura = 8.3;
            t.Altura = 3.5;
            Console.WriteLine("Área do triângulo: {0}", t.CalculaArea());


using System;
namespace triangulo
    abstract class FiguraGeometrica
        public double Largura = 0;
        public double Altura = 0;
        public abstract double CalculaArea()
            return -1;

using System;
namespace triangulo
    class Retangulo : FiguraGeometrica
        public override double CalculaArea()
            return Largura * Altura;
    class Triangulo : FiguraGeometrica
        public override double CalculaArea()
            return Largura * Altura / 2;
  • It seems that the people of the . NET like to err this type of message.

2 answers


Because it is an abstract method it should not have implementation, ie the method is only declared but does nothing so that the class that inherit it it is required to implement.

To resolve remove her body, so it stays that way:

    public abstract double CalculaArea();
  • 1

    Thank you very much, I am learning to program. Thank you for helping me.

  • We are under orders!


All excerpts from these answers were taken from this source:

Since an abstract method statement does not provide any real implementation, there is no method field, the method statement simply ends with a semicolon and there are no keys ({ }) after the signature. For example:

public abstract void MyMethod();  

An abstract class that implements an interface can map interface methods into abstract methods. For example:

interface I
    void M();
abstract class C : I
    public abstract void M();

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