Mail Server on Google Compute Engine


Viewed 17 times


I’m trying to set up a web server in google cloud, so far I’ve managed to set up apache and database, but the web server part is really complicated

I’ve seen dozens of tutorials on how to set up a webserver on Ubuntu 14. * but none of them seem to work on the google cloud engine

I am using postfix to try to configure, viewing the email log tail -f /var/log/mail.log I was able to send an email from my gmail to my domain and view the log, but when doing otherwise echo 'teste mail' | sendmail [email protected] i only get the ero of time out Connection connect to[]:25: Connection timed out

Does anyone know a good article or how to create a mailserver in google cloud?

  • Managed to check the Firewall rules? it seems you need to enable rules for port 25

  • @manasouza opa I just answered my question, look down there

1 answer


I found that Google blocks any smtp output and it requires you to use an external tool like the Mailgun or Sendgrid

I opted for Mailgun to have a plan with minimum value lower than sendgrid

Even using other Clouds like AWS or Digitalocean I found that my emails would already spam by default because it is a recent IP address and without any reputation, so the ideal is to use a third party tool for sending even

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