Android Kotlin - App minimizes but maximizes the app starts again


Viewed 59 times


Hello, I have an app that minimizes and maximizes restarts in Activity.MAIN, every time. I found this question but the answer does not solve the problem MAINTAIN ACTIVITY BY MINIMIZING because the user who is in my App, loses focus from where he is at the moment, ex. To get to a certain place inside the App, the user has to go through a series of filters and when the user starts up again, he has to redo all these filters again. In Logcat shows nothing, nor verbose.

How do I keep in the same Activity, and not lose the already filtered data.

  • See about Instance states on:

1 answer


I found that has nothing to do with Activity Lifecycle, and yes what makes it happen is the android system itself installed on a tablet Hyunday - API 7.1.1 on any other android device (emulators), LG-K10, Samsung(physicos) works perfectly. On this tablet any application that is installed on it happens the same thing. From Google Chrome, Drive, or any other app installed by Google Play. I did all Reviews and no solution,nor does Android Studio show a log about the error, indicating that the App is running normally, so the tablet O.S. that restarts any App while trying to minimize and maximize.

I already asked for support for the manufacturer itself, this is a bug in the system that comes with the tablet and not related to the App or any other App.

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