I am with the following doubt. I am trying to make a script in AHK that performs the following function:
When pressed mouse keying (XB1), the script should send [Shift+F1], just after holding down [Z].
When the key (XB1) was released, the script should send [Shift+F2] and release [Z].
Until that part I managed to do without problems, however the script is running only once, and I needed them to perform this check every time the key was pressed. I’ll put the code right down.
MsgBox, "Estou na Main!"
while GetKeyState("XButton1","P"){
MsgBox, "Pressionado Main()"
Send, {Z Down}
MsgBox, "Estou fora do While na Main!"
Send, {Z Up}
MsgBox, "Subi a Letra Z"
Sleep, 100
Send, +{F2 Down} +{F2 Up}
MsgBox, "Enviei o F2"
If GetKeyState("XButton1","P"){
MsgBox, "Pressionado!"
Send, +{F1 Down} +{F1 Up}
Sleep, 100
MsgBox, "Não Pressionado!"
ESC:: ExitApp
Felipe thank you very much, you showed a very simple solution, for something I was trying to complicate.
– Marcelo Garoze