Problem sending email (with html) using PHP


Viewed 426 times


Hello, I have an html code to send in the email that in normal html mode it usually appears but when I send the email, when I visualize it in gmail, I get all the html wrong. Already in Thunderbird the email arrives with html correctly.

Someone has a solution for me?

My html code is:

function html() {
    $r = '
<!-- v 0.1 -->
    .descricao {text-align:center;float:left;width:350px;font-family:Arial;height:100px;border:1px solid green;background-color:white;font-size:40px;color:black;padding:15px;}
    .especificacao {margin-left:3px;float:left;text-align:center;width:350px;font-family:Arial;height:100px;border:1px solid green;background-color:white;font-size:40px;color:black;padding:15px;}
    .empresa {text-align:center;width:735px;margin-bottom:3px;font-family:Arial;height:75px;border:1px solid green;background-color:white;font-size:40px;color:black;padding:15px;}
<div style="width:770px;border:1px solid gray;padding:15px;background-color:green;">
    <div class="empresa">
    <div class="descricao">
    <div class="especificacao">
        DESCRICAO ---> 01
        PREÇO ----> R$ '.template("preco_item_01").'
    <div class="descricao">
    <div class="especificacao">
        DESCRICAO ---> 02
        PREÇO ----> R$ '.template("preco_item_02").'
    <div class="descricao">
    <div class="especificacao">
        DESCRICAO ---> 03
        PREÇO ----> R$ '.template("preco_item_03").'
    <div class="descricao">
    <div class="especificacao">
        DESCRICAO ---> 04
        PREÇO ----> R$ '.template("preco_item_04").'
    <div class="descricao">
    <div class="especificacao">
        DESCRICAO ---> 05
        PREÇO ----> R$ '.template("preco_item_05").'
    <div class="descricao">
    <div class="especificacao">
        DESCRICAO ---> 06
        PREÇO ----> R$ '.template("preco_item_06").'
    <div style="clear:both;">'.template("cnpj").' - '.template("telefone").'</div>

    return $r;

The html upload code is:

function sendmail() {
    if(!isset($_POST[Submit])) die("Não foi recebido nenhum parâmetro");
    /* Medida preventiva para evitar que outros domínios sejam remetente da sua mensagem. */
    if (eregi('$|$|$|$', $_SERVER[HTTP_HOST])) {
    } else {
            $emailsender = "noreply@" . $_SERVER[HTTP_HOST];

    /* Verifica qual é o sistema operacional do servidor para ajustar o cabeçalho de forma correta. Não alterar */
    if(PHP_OS == "Linux") $quebra_linha = "\n";
    elseif(PHP_OS == "WINNT") $quebra_linha = "\r\n";
    else die("Incompatibilidade com Sistema Operacional");

    // Passando os dados obtidos pelo formulário para as variáveis abaixo
    $nomeremetente     = $_POST['nomeremetente'];
    $emailremetente    = trim($_POST['emailremetente']);
    $assunto           = $_POST['assunto'];

    $array_emaildestinatario = array();
    $array_emaildestinatario = explode("\n",trim($_POST['emaildestinatario'])); // separa os emails pelas vírgulas em uma array
    foreach($array_emaildestinatario as $elemento) {
        //pra cada email envia
        /* Montando a mensagem a ser enviada no corpo do e-mail. */
        $mensagemHTML = html();

        /* Montando o cabeçalho da mensagem */
        $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.1".$quebra_linha;
        $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1".$quebra_linha;
        // Perceba que a linha acima contém "text/html", sem essa linha, a mensagem não chegará formatada.
        $headers .= "From: ".$emailsender.$quebra_linha;
        $headers .= "Return-Path: " . $emailsender . $quebra_linha;

        $headers .= "Reply-To: ".$emailremetente.$quebra_linha;
        // Note que o e-mail do remetente será usado no campo Reply-To (Responder Para)

        /* Enviando a mensagem */
        mail($elemento, $assunto, $mensagemHTML, $headers, "-r". $emailsender);
    /* Mostrando na tela as informações enviadas por e-mail */
        <div style="color:white;border:1px solid black;padding:15px;background-color:rgba(150,50,50,0.8);font-family:Arial;margin-bottom:5px;font-size:14px;">
            Enviando <?php echo count($array_emaildestinatario); ?> e-mails, aguarde um instante...
        <div style="color:white;border:1px solid black;padding:15px;background-color:rgba(150,50,50,0.8);font-family:Arial;margin-bottom:5px;font-size:14px;">
            De:<?php echo $emailsender; ?>
        <div style="color:white;border:1px solid black;padding-left:15px;padding-top:5px;padding-bottom:5px;background-color:rgba(150,50,50,0.3);font-family:Arial;margin-bottom:5px;font-size:14px;">
        foreach($array_emaildestinatario as $elemento) {
            echo "<p>$elemento</p>";


Someone has a solution?

  • 1

    The solution is to use HTML 4, <table>, and virtually no CSS for email.

  • 1

    True, no CSS and if you have to use it, inline it into html code and not into a separate file. Always use for the absolute url images.

  • I had to switch to CSS INLINE, removing all my HEAD to work. In this case the solution I got at the moment is better than using HTML 4 Table. But now I wanted to load an external css instead of inline, by the external way or in the own head as it was does not give :/ ? Thanks for the personal help, Marcos Vinicius..., that’s right, INLINE solved the first trip. A shame to have to use this lot of css code in the middle of my html.

  • I will make the template and after it ready to go to inline, if I do everything inline I get crazier that I am erasing and rewriting. Thanks there

2 answers


In Thunderbird it can be encoding conflict with your PHP (check your php encoding if it is also 8859-1).

Gmail may be a matter of using css inline in the head, according to this article (here) it lists in the items that should not be made.


You don’t need to use these line breaking tests. The constant PHP_EOL already does that. You cannot use external styles inside the tag style.

Use an inliner CSS tool to do this for you, it’s easier.

You nay should use ISO-8859-1 encoding as the colleague above spoke, and yes Unicode UTF-8 ALWAYS, if you do not want to have problems with accentuation and strange characters.

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