How to generate sequential ID?


Viewed 1,338 times


I’m trying to generate a sequential ID for each user registered on the system, but all users leave with the same ID number generated.

public class User {  
    // ...  
    int id=1;  
    public void gerarid() {  
    // ...

public class Mein {  
    public static void main(String[] args) {  
        User u1 = new User();  
        // ...  
        // ...  
  • You need to capture the generated ID number, or the highest number and add 1 from it. What happens in your code is that each time the script is executed you put the id as 1.

2 answers


Just turn the field id in static. The keyword static indicates to the compiler that instead of creating a field in an instance you want to create a field in a class.

class User {  

        // Unica mudança significativa no código.
        static int id;  

        public void gerarid() {  


public class Main {    

    public static void main(String[] args) {  
        User u1 = new User();  

        // Gera 10 Ids e os imprime
        for (int i = 0;i < 10 ;i++ ) {



To every user you create, you’re saying that the id of it one is 1. That’s because the command int id = 1 is within the class User, and the method gerarid(), which is also within the class, will only increase the id of User which method gerarid() belongs, for example:

User u1 = new User(); // u1 possui um atributo chamado id ( com o valor 1 
User u2 = new User(); // u2 possui um atributo chamado id ( com o valor 1

By calling u1.gerarid(), the instruction id++ is increasing the id of User u1, unrelated to u2, much less with your id ( The result of the above code would be: 2 // O id de u1 foi incrementado ao chamar u1.gerarid() 1 // Não foi alterado

To solve your problem, you need a variable that does not belong to a User, this variable will save the id that the next User to be created must have:

public class User {  
    // ...  
    int id; // Receberá o valor de contadorDeId
    // ...

public class Mein {  
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int contadorDeId = 1;
        User u1 = new User(); = contadorDeId++; // Atribui e depois incrementa contadorDeId para 2

        // ...  

        User u2 = new User(); = contadorDeId++; // Atribui e depois incrementa contadorDeId para 3...

With this, you don’t need the method gerarId(), at least not within the class User. You can use the concept of builders to assign the id every new User in a more elegant way.

  • Valeuu, your method is much simpler and I hindered kkk

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