Command in chat to open new javascript page


Viewed 62 times


Hello folks I’m doing a chat and would like that when the user type /rules and press enter it opens a new tab with the address of the rules someone could help me with the code?

 <textarea type="text" name="emsg" id="emsg" maxlength="40" rows="1" placeholder="Digite sua mensagem"></textarea>
  • I’m sorry, I don’t understand. I could describe what you intend to do ?

2 answers


You can try this way by typing /regras will automatically open a new tab

    document.addEventListener('keyup', function (event) {
        var emsg = $("#emsg").val();

        $("#emsg").focusout( function(){
             if(emsg == "/regras") {
        '', '_blank');
  • I tested here and only opens the new tab if I type /rules in the text area and click out, I would like that by pressing enter with the /rules in the text area it would open the desired page =/

  • can configure a way here but after I type /rules and give enter it opens the new page but any letter I put in the textarea it will open me a new page... =/


Good evening, use the jquery function keypress keycode = 13 for enter. The function .slice(-8) will retrieve the last 8 characters typed for the "/rules check"

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""> 
$( document ).ready(function() {
    $("#emsg").keypress(function (e) {
        var key = e.which;
        if(key == 13) {
            if ($("#emsg").val().slice(-8) == "/regras") {
      '', '_blank');
    <textarea id="emsg"></textarea>

Remember that when using jquery you should put your methods inside $( document ).ready(function() {});

  • Perfect, thank you very much!!!!

  • By chance you know how I exchange my textarea for an input and that it does not give refresh on the title/link of the site?

  • It can be easily exchanged for an input type=text keeping the same id. refresh didn’t understand you...

  • is that I am using a chat and instead of input I am using textarea and I would like to change, but when I input it kind of "refresh" the link site, getting the input id and =, ex: emsg= I wish he wouldn’t be like this =/

  • Does this happen when you type in input? if yes probably some other script is doing this unwanted behavior.

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