Acbrsat error after SNV update


Viewed 179 times


I use Acbrsat in a box front, it happens that after updating Acbrsat by SVN my project does not compile more, gives error in the following lines

if ACBrSAT1.Modelo = mfe_Integrador_XML then
  TACBrSATMFe_integrador_XML(ACBrSAT1.SAT).PastaInput := 'C:\Integrador\Input\';
  TACBrSATMFe_integrador_XML(ACBrSAT1.SAT).PastaOutput := 'C:\Integrador\Output\';
  TACBrSATMFe_integrador_XML(ACBrSAT1.SAT).Timeout := 30;

It complains that it does not find the property Pastainput / Pastaoutput and Timeuot

Does anyone know which properties have been replaced?

Some other lines that gave error in other properties I managed to hit, but these I did not find in Unit

  • I already solved the problem, I’m waiting for the timeout so I can answer the question.

1 answer


After upgrading Abcrsat via SVN I needed to make two changes to my codes



  ACBrSATExtratoFortes1.Margens.Topo := 5;
  ACBrSATExtratoFortes1.Margens.Fundo := 5;
  ACBrSATExtratoFortes1.Margens.Esquerda := 4;
  ACBrSATExtratoFortes1.Margens.Direita := 4;
  ACBrSATExtratoFortes1.MostrarPreview := True;  
  ACBrSATExtratoFortes1.PrinterName := 'EPSON TM-T20';


  ACBrSATExtratoFortes1.MargemSuperior := 5;
  ACBrSATExtratoFortes1.MargemInferior := 5;
  ACBrSATExtratoFortes1.MargemEsquerda := 4;
  ACBrSATExtratoFortes1.MargemDireita := 4;
  ACBrSATExtratoFortes1.MostraPreview := True;
  ACBrSATExtratoFortes1.Impressora := 'EPSON TM-T20';


Add the Acbrintegrador1 compote previously used by the class:

  TACBrSATMFe_integrador_XML(ACBrSAT1.SAT).PastaInput := 'C:\Integrador\Input\';
  TACBrSATMFe_integrador_XML(ACBrSAT1.SAT).PastaOutput := 'C:\Integrador\Output\';
  TACBrSATMFe_integrador_XML(ACBrSAT1.SAT).Timeout := 30;

and change lines to:

  ACBrIntegrador1.PastaInput := 'C:\simpdv\Integrador\Input\';
  ACBrIntegrador1.PastaOutput := 'C:\simpdv\Integrador\Output\';
  ACBrIntegrador1.Timeout := 30;

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