Service for sending SMS or Push Notification


Viewed 311 times


I have an application developed in Angular 7 that is in the final stages of development. This application makes use of Firebase services, one of which is the Cloud Firestore.

I’m looking for a way to have a service that keeps running daily without stopping, that identifies when to send an SMS alerting the user of a commitment that he has even if he is with the closed system, or send a Push Notification using Cloud Messaging if possible.

How can I send a reminder SMS by picking up an appointment saved in the Firestore, checking the time and day and sending an SMS or Push Notification without the user needing to be connected to the system?

I believe I would have to have a service on a server running daily without stopping doing the readings in the database, but there’s something on the Internet that does this for me without me having to have a server of my own?

  • There are some sites that make cron Jobs for you. In other words, they do a task after a certain period of time, but in your case they would have to call some service to send the text. In other words, you would have a text messaging service and a CRON service that calls you with a certain period.

1 answer


Hello, there are two different things in your question.

First, how to run a direct service, this is totally not recommended, in the universe of Saas where Firebase is, this would generate a huge cost, the recommended in your case would be to use a cron job tool, as for example or, the important thing is that it accepts schedules via API.

Second, send email, and text automatically, you can use any service like and respectively, they have Apis for you to send the data

and the key that connects the two things are the triggers of Firebase, with them you can create a Function that is triggered whenever data is added in the Firestore

with this set you can, Schedule a Cron via api every time the data is added in the firestore, and can create another http Function to be triggered not by Trigger but by cron at the programmed time, this second Function would trigger the sms API, email, push, or whatever else you want.

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