How to separate a string by commas, except when you have a space later


Viewed 796 times


I have a string and I need to separate it into one array. However, the separator character needs to be the comma (,), but if you have a space right after ("") she is preserved in separation.

I’m trying to do this with split, but I’m not getting it. Example of what I want:

string = "1,0,true,Yes, please"; 

I need to:

array = ["1","0","true","Yes, please"] 
  • I don’t understand what you mean by "the ',' needs to be preserved"

  • @Jrd I believe it is the comma needs to be preserved

2 answers


You can use the following regular expression to make the division:

/,(?! )/


  • , selects all the commas;
  • (?! ) one Lookahead negative which ensures that there can be no spaces after the comma.

That way, you can do it like this:

const string = '1,0,true,Yes, please'
const splittedString = string.split(/,(?! )/)


  • 1

    If I’m not mistaken, in split no need to put the flag g, by default it separates the entire string...

  • 1

    That’s true! Thanks for the remark... I just tested it here on the console and it really doesn’t matter. I edited the answer. ;)

  • Thank you very much!

  • Suggestion, trade space for \s, this meta-character is used for different types of spacing, such as space, tab, breaks, etc.


Will it always be in this format? If yes you can use this code:

var string = "1,0,true,yes, please";
var array = [];
var preservado = string.substr(string.indexOf(", ") - 3);
array = string.substr(0, string.indexOf(', ') -4).split(',');

If by chance it changes, you can add if statements to suit your need.

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