R regression on same line data


Viewed 52 times


I have the following data:

mes <- c("jan","fev","mar","abr","maio","jun","ago","set","out")
a <- c(32.3,32.7,32.6,33.1,33.0,33.5,33.4,33.4,34.9)
b <- c(19.2,19.2,19.6,19.7,19.7,19.9,20.0,20.0,20.4)
c <- c(14.7,15.0,15.6,16.2,16.4,17.0,17.7,18.3,19.1)
d <- c(24.2,24.3,24.7,25.0,25.5,26.4,26.7,27.1,27.6) 
temp <- data.frame(mes,a,b,c,d)
y <- c(1, 3, 5, 7)

would like to apply a regression lm(log(mes) ~ y)

but on the lines, and using a function lapply(), or Type Alo, to apply on all lines. one way I found to exemplify was this:


I don’t know if it’s possible.

the database I have is extensive, if it is possible to do this, as I would to run the data, row by row, saving the regression coefficients and the adjusted R2 of the model?

I thought I’d make a list, but I’m not sure how to do it, so if you could give me at least one north, I’d be grateful.

  • lm(log(mes) ~ y) It’ll be a mistake, I didn’t even try.

2 answers


It’s not as hard as that. In the solution below

  1. I calculate the logarithm of each column except the first one at the beginning.
  2. Applique (apply) the model lm(x ~ y) every row.
  3. And then there are several instructions to extract the various values one may want, such as the beta coefficients, the p-values, the coefficient of determination.

The code is really very simple, these are successive applications of *apply.

log_temp <- apply(temp[-1], 2, log)

model_list <- apply(log_temp, 1, function(x) lm(x ~ y))

coef_list <- t(sapply(model_list, coef))

model_smry <- lapply(model_list, summary)

R2_list <- sapply(model_smry, '[[', 'r.squared')
pval_list <- t(sapply(model_smry, function(LM){
  LM[['coefficients']][, 4]
  • Thank you @Ruibarradas, you have some tips where to study and deepen the knowledge in r?

  • There are lots of documents on the official R page, The R Project for Statistical Computing. You can also find many others on the net. Or in bookstores. For example the collection of Springer among many others.


It is not possible to adjust the regression model the way you want, because it does not make sense. If you adjust a model for each baseline, vc will have a size 1 sample, and with that, vc will not have variability in the data to calculate the standard errors of the model estimators/variance.

I suggest reading some book of the type Linear Regression Analysis in R (has several), so that you continue to model the data.

Still, "y" should be in the same data.frame for better organization of the database.

  • In fact, AP can do the regression you want. Discounted the column of the month, each row of the data frame temp has 4 comments, which is the same number of elements in y.

  • @Guilherme, I understand, but it’s like @Marcusnunes said. I don’t think I expressed myself well in the question. My database has more observations, I’ve simplified for a,b,c,d, and y with 4 comments as well. @Marcusnunes what would be AP?

  • AP = Author of the question

  • Beauty! At the time, I had read on the bus, and had never come across this data entry, so I thought it would not be possible. But according to Rui’s code, and given the form that the data enter, each baseline acts as the "traditional vector", being "y" my covariable. I understand. I will reconstruct my answer in the future in a way that I think is more logical.. Thank you!!

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