Error generating IOS application build in IONIC


Viewed 77 times


I’m trying to build an IOS app on Ionic.

I rode in the terminal: ionic cordova build ios --release --prod

But I’m getting:

build-release.xcconfig line 28: Unable to find included file ".. /pods-release.xcconfig"** BUILD FAILED **

I navigated to this build-release.xcconfig file and found on line 28 the following import:

#include "../pods-release.xcconfig"

I searched my project but could not find it. In which process is generated this file?

To install the cocoapods in my project I followed the steps:

I navigated to the Platforms/Ios folder and rode:

sudo gem install cocoapods

pod setup

pod init

pod install

Then I checked the build and had this error of not finding the file...

  • You’re running this command on a terminal on your Mac ?

  • @Viniciuslourenço yes

  • Check if, in Xcode, in the settings you are with the Build System setado to Legacy Build System. You can try running the command ionic cordova platform rm ios to remove iOS and add again with ionic cordova platform add ios, this usually solves any problems with build.

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