What am I doing wrong?


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Hello, good(a) day, afternoon or night, I would like you to help me answer what I am doing wrong in my code, because, I have already tried to redo and do everything and more, and I am not understanding, I will explain by steps:

1 Well, I created a system of select questions, but before I select the question itself, I have to select the gender of it, because it is in the bank, answering questions and product questions.

Print do Select

[Select HTML & PHP code]

    <div class="card" style="width: 75rem; height: 31rem; margin-top: 1rem; margin-left: 1px;">

    <div class="card-header">
        <h2 align="center">Painel Administrativo - Selecione as Perguntas:</b> </h2>

    <div class="card-body">

        <!-- Passa as perguntas via metodo POST mas não as salva no user_tb -->
        <form action="cliente.php" method="POST">

            <h6>Selecione o genero das perguntas: </h6>

            <!-- Script de puxar os generos selecionados -->
            <script type="text/javascript">
            $(function() {
                    $('#' + $(this).val()).show();

            <!-- Select com as opções de generos -->
            <select id="selecionar" class="col-sm-12">
                <option value="0">...</option>
                <option value="atendimento">Atendimento</option>
                <option value="produto">Produto</option>
            <!-- Opção 1 = Atendimento -->
            <div id="atendimento" class="perguntas" style="display: none;">
                <br><b>Selecione as perguntas:</b></br><br>


                // seleciona na tabela perguntas_tb somente o genero de atendimento
                $sqlselecionargenero = "SELECT * FROM perguntas_tb WHERE genero = 'Atendimento' ";

                // prepara o genero de atendimento a ser executado
                $preparargenero = $conn->prepare($sqlselecionargenero);
                $preparargenero -> execute();

                // cria apartir da preparação de puxar os generos do banco de dados, uma variavel chamada pa
                // PA = Pergunta de Atendimento
                // cada pergunta tem que ter seu propio valor para ser atribuido a ela 5 checkbox
                // how to do?

                foreach ($preparargenero as $pa) {
                    $id = $pa["id"];
                    $perguntas = $pa["perguntas"];

                    echo "<p><input type='checkbox' name='atendimento[]' value='$perguntas' id='' name='atendimento' >"." ".$perguntas;



                <p><button type="submit">Salvar perguntas</button></p>

            <!-- Opção 2 = Produto -->
            <div id="produto" class="perguntas" style="display: none;">



It generates from the amount of questions with kind of Attendance at the bank, ie it pulls all the questions, so far so good...

2 After I select the genre, and choose the questions and click on save i pass via post method, the questions I selected for a client.php page, and this page would be like a form, where apart from the questions I passed I assign 5’s exclusive checkbox for each question, and from these checkboxes I would like to assign values to them, and send such values to the database so that I can create a graph. But then I can’t develop anything else, how do I separate the questions by paging? I wouldn’t want them all to be on the same page, for example, I would like to use a bootstrap feature to go back and forth, to answer the questions, and not to answer them all in a single div, could someone help me?

Print do Resultado do Select

    <div style="margin-left: 1rem; margin-top: 1rem;">

    <form method="POST">


        // Verifica se alguma pergunta foi selecionada

        if(isset($_POST["atendimento"])) {

            // Faz um loop no Array de checkbox

            // A função count retorna a quantidade de checkbox selecionado

            for($i = 0; $i < count($_POST["atendimento"]); $i++) {

                echo $_POST['atendimento'][$i]."<br />";
                echo "<p>";
                echo "<input type='radio' name='$i'> Muito Satisfeito ";
                echo "<input type='radio' name='$i'> Satisfeito ";
                echo "<input type='radio' name='$i'> Pouco Satisfeito ";
                echo "<input type='radio' name='$i'> Insatisfeito ";
                echo "<input type='radio' name='$i'> Muito Insatisfeito ";
                echo "<p><br>";


        <p><button type='submit'>Enviar</button></p>

I’d be grateful if you could help me!!

  • echo "<input type='radio' name='$i'> Muito Satisfeito "; when you do so because you do not add a value="XXX"

  • Yes, this is what I have already done, to assign value, just like each question, has to have a different answer, the values will be duplicated from cb above and below, IE, at the time of making the graph, there will be no way to separate oq is oq

  • In each metes value="Very Satisfied" or value="Satisfied" each one gets a different value depending on the radio check the user gave.

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