Creating a Wordpress Ad Insertion Area


Viewed 78 times


Inside Wordpress I wanted to create a field, that when I post a featured image it would leave the image there, simple thing (think). Example is Orbit Slider, where the featured images turn to sliders. Does anyone know a simple way to do that or any documentation that points me the way?

Let’s say I want to separate 4 box type and when people create a post with a linked image appears in this space.

Ex: I go in "Create Ad", I choose "Side Box 01" and attach an image according to the size of the box and type the link and it appears there.

  • There are several ways to do this. You had to specify your goal better. Is it image gallery? Is it just an image? Is global or specific to each post/page?

  • Hello friend... let’s say I want to separate 4 type of box... and when people create a post with a linked image... appear in this space. Ex: I go in "Create Ad", I choose "Side Box 01" and attach an image according to the size of the box and type the link... and it appears there...

1 answer


You’re looking for Custom Fields (custom Fields) and Meta Boxes.

custom fields e meta boxes

When we create a meta box, we use custom Fields to store the information. If our field starts with _ will not appear in the custom field box. The Highlighted Image, for example, is stored as _thumbnail_id.

You can simply use the standard box Custom fields and add the image Urls. Then frontend draws the figures with get_post_meta( $postID, 'minhas_imagens );.

Or make a custom meta box (Adding custom image Fields and other Fields at the same time) using the Hooks add_meta_box and save_post, which is what Orbit Slider plugin makes. Or use a plugin like Advanced Custom Fields to manage this without having to program anything.

  • Helped more man! thanks!

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