read JSON file with JS


Viewed 259 times


have this the following JSON file with the name test.json:



and I have this JS function:

$.getJSON("teste.json", function( data ) {
var registro = data.registro;

$.each(data, function(cnpj, numero){
  registro.push("<li id='" + cnpj +"'>"+ numero + "</li>");

$("<ul/>", {
  "class": "my-new-list",
  html: registro.join("")


I would like to list exactly how it is in the file, but I don’t know where is the error in my function

  • the error occurs where? " $. getJSON("test.json", Function( date )" ?

  • likely, because it’s showing nothing

  • I believe I must create a loop of repetition

  • and then I need to check if you skipped a number

  • I put an answer, then check it.

1 answer


From what I’ve seen, one problem is in this "each"

  var li = [];
  $.each(registro, function(index, value) { // aqui deveria ser "registro" em vez de "data"
    li.push("<li id='" + value.cnpj + "'>" + value.numero + "</li>"); // push no "li" em vez de "registro"

I changed a little and put in the plunker (put, as an example, using reduce too), take a look:

  • good, I think I’ll create a table, and change the append to table

  • in case would have to change the li to <td> ?

  • I switched to the next

  • var li = []; $.each(record, Function(index, value) { // here should be "record" instead of "data" li.push("<li id='" + value.cnpj + "'>" + value.numero + "</li>"); li.push("<tr>"); li.push("<td id='"+key+">"+value.cnpj+"</td>"); li.push("<td id='"+key+">"+.numero+"</td>"); li.push("<td id='"+key+"'>"+val.serie+"</td>"); li.push("</tr>"); // push on "li" instead of "record" });

  • yes, instead of <li> would be <td>, it succeeded ?

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