In one exercise, I was trying to create a table through DOM using template string and the innerHTML command
Where I want to insert the td
<tr id="boletinAluno">
Creating the student
function cadastrarAluno(e){
let nome = document.querySelector('#nome').value
let nota1 = document.querySelector('#nota1').value
let nota2 = document.querySelector('#nota2').value
let nota3 = document.querySelector('#nota3').value
let aluno = new Aluno(nome,nota1,nota2,nota3)
function montarLinha(aluno){
let content = `
boletin = document.querySelector('#boletinAluno').innerHTML+=content;
index.html:89 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'innerHTML' of null
at montarLinha (index.html:89)
at cadastrarAluno (index.html:75)
at HTMLInputElement.onclick (index.html:39)
montarLinha @ index.html:89
cadastrarAluno @ index.html:75
onclick @ index.html:39
is returningnull
, checks if your function is not before the HTML that creates this element.– fernandosavio
The script is created after the creation of the TR, ie is not the problem.
– Felipe Machado