Regex to get comments from a CSS


Viewed 121 times


I have this CSS:

    --bodyBackgroundColor: #ffffff; // pegar o comentário não importando o tamanho
    --bodyTextColor: #ffffff; // outro
    --buttonBorderFocus: #1d2124; // testando

Response handler:

preg_match_all('/\s*\\--([A-Za-z1-9_\-]+)(\s*:\s*(.*?);)?\s*/', $css, $resultado);

Desired answer:

[0] => Array
        [0] => --bodyBackgroundColor: #ffffff; 

        [1] => --bodyTextColor: #212529;

        [2] => --buttonBorderFocus: #1d2124;


[1] => Array
        [0] => bodyBackgroundColor
        [1] => bodyTextColor
        [2] => buttonBorderFocus

[2] => Array
        [0] => : #ffffff;
        [1] => : #ffffff;
        [2] => : #1d2124;

[3] => Array
        [0] => #ffffff
        [1] => #ffffff
        [2] => #1d2124

[4] => Array
        [0] => pegar o comentário não importando o tamanho
        [1] => outro
        [2] => testando

The preg_match_all is only printing the 0,1,2,3 array. I need it to print 4 as well - I’m actually only using array 1 and 3, because I’m going to use the comment as caption.

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  • @Salatielqueiroz, ready edited the post

1 answer


Just add the two bars, the space after them and the rest of the text in regex:

preg_match_all('/\s*\\--([A-Za-z1-9_\-]+)(\s*:\s*(.*?);)?\s*\/\/\s*(.*)/', $css, $resultado);

Bars shall be written as \/ not to be confused with the regex delimiters (the bars at the beginning and end, which only delimit but are not part of the regex itself).

Then I put \s* (zero or more spaces) because I don’t know how many spaces you can have after the bars. Then I use (.*) (zero or more occurrences of any character). As by default the . does not consider line breaks, it takes everything that is after the bars until it finds a line break.

The result is (output below obtained with var_dump($resultado)):

array(5) {
  array(3) {
    string(81) "
    --bodyBackgroundColor: #ffffff; // pegar o comentário não importando o tamanho"
    string(39) "
    --bodyTextColor: #ffffff; // outro"
    string(46) "
    --buttonBorderFocus: #1d2124; // testando"
  array(3) {
    string(19) "bodyBackgroundColor"
    string(13) "bodyTextColor"
    string(17) "buttonBorderFocus"
  array(3) {
    string(10) ": #ffffff;"
    string(10) ": #ffffff;"
    string(10) ": #1d2124;"
  array(3) {
    string(7) "#ffffff"
    string(7) "#ffffff"
    string(7) "#1d2124"
  array(3) {
    string(45) "pegar o comentário não importando o tamanho"
    string(5) "outro"
    string(8) "testando"

One detail is that the above regex assumes that there will always be a comment. But if this is optional, just put everything in parentheses and add ? at the front (as this makes the section optional):

preg_match_all('/\s*\\--([A-Za-z1-9_\-]+)(\s*:\s*(.*?);)?\s*(?:\/\/\s*(.*))?/', $css, $resultado);

I also used (?: to the parentheses, for thus they become a catch group and its contents are not returned in the result array (if you do not have the ?:, another item is created in the array $resultado, containing the bars and the comment).

So you don’t have to write the bars like \/\/, it is possible to change the delimiters to some other character. In this case, I have chosen { and }, since they do not occur in regex. Thus, I no longer need to escape the bars (I can write them without the \):

preg_match_all('{\s*\\--([A-Za-z1-9_\-]+)(\s*:\s*(.*?);)?\s*(?://\s*(.*))?}', $css, $resultado);

PS: if you’re gonna do Parsing of a complete CSS, you might want to use parsers specific for the task.

For this specific string, whose format is simpler and more controlled, regex works smoothly. But if you have a full CSS, the regex will be much more complex, to be able to deal with every possible case.

  • 1

    Very understanding. + 1

  • @hkotsubo next I edited a little code to get the --bodyBackgroundColor: #ffffff; /test test/ because the css comments are // '/\s\--([A-Za-z1-9_-]+) s:\s*(.?);?\s/*(.)*//' now I used (?: '/(?: s\--([A-Za-z1-9_-]+) s*: s*(.?);?\s/*(.*)*/)/' not to create array 0 and still took

  • @Felipekusk I think that resolves. But if the comments extend over several lines, there gets more complicated

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