Files. Sass do not compile


Viewed 87 times


I’m working on a project using Jekyll with Github Pages.

I’m trying to use a file .sass, saving it in the folder _sass, using the syntax recommended by the Jekyll website:


  background: #333
  padding: 1em
  text-align: center

The file however does not compile to the final file main.css in the briefcase _site/css.

What should I do to work with files .sass in Jekyll?

  • When you try to compile it gives some error or simply does not compile?

  • Apparently it does not compile. At least the terminal does not return any error.

1 answer


I forgot to import the file .sass at the end of the archive css/main.scss:

    "header" /* nome do meu arquivo .sass, sem a extensão */

Now it’s working perfectly.

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