how to include javascript files in a javascript file?


Viewed 56 times


so I’m needing to include a javascript file inside a javascript file, but I can’t do that

ex: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

include.js file in archiv2.js

  • 1

    If it’s just include, it’s okay to copy all the contents of arquivo.js and paste at the top of the contents of arquivo2.js. Now, if you need to use a function created in the first file, edit your question and better describe what you need to do.

2 answers


Hello, it is not possible to do this type of include in JS.

But you can use import and export to reuse code within another file. However, in an Ecmascript 6 feature not yet implemented in all browsers you need to use transpilers like Babel to work


given the file Function.js

function returnName(name) {
 console.log('Olá ' + name)  
export default returnName

and index.js file

import returnName from './function'

// Olá, Salatiel

See the documentation of import and export


To use import and export you have to be using the Babel lib, then use module.Exports module.Exports is a global variable in the JS can put its functions, classes and even variables, to import a module into that model you have to use require() const myFunc = require(2ª wayDoArch')

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