Deprecation Warning - Compass Unsemantic


Viewed 41 times


I am having a problem regarding the compilation of some SASS + Compass + Unsemantic codes that generates the following warning:

DEPRECATION WARNING on line 17 of /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0/gems/compass-unsemantic-0.1.5/stylesheets/compass-unsemantic/_unsemantic-grid-desktop.sass:
  @extending an outer selector from within @media is deprecated.
  You may only @extend selectors within the same directive.
  This will be an error in Sass 3.3.
  It can only work once @extend is supported natively in the browser.

This warning always appears when I compile the code, and actually generates dozens of them, filling the entire terminal of it. Unfortunately I found nothing about.

1 answer


There seems to be a compatibility problem between Unsemantic and SASS 3.3. In the link below, the author of Unsemantic states that Warning can be ignored without any problem.

When SASS supports the operator @at-root, Unsemantic will be updated and Warning will be corrected.

It seems that, for now, using SASS 3.2 can solve Warning.

Source: Unsemantic Issue: deprecation Warning upon Compile #3

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