Good afternoon, everyone!
I’ve done a lot of research on this, but not on c# Forms, I tested some codes I got here and nothing.
what I would like to do is: make a Forms where I inform the (IP, USER and PASSWORD) to authenticate in AD and in the same Forms put the information of a new user in that AD. Thanks in advance.
Search for LDAP and take a look here https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/bb384369(v=vs.90)
– Leandro Angelo
Opa @Leandro Angelo, I will take a look yes, thanks for your attention.
– Anderson User777
@Leandroangelo this link you gave me, I’m a beginner in C#, but it already takes the information of the new user, and has a main contex that passes the domain. In which authentic part a user can create a new user?
– Anderson User777
I haven’t found a solution for that yet.
– Anderson User777