How to open more than one View in a controller?


Viewed 258 times


I have a controller called Request:

public ActionResult Pedido()
    return View();

How to open more than one View in a Controller? By calling a Controller would like to open two views.

Note: I would like to open and different tabs.

5 answers


In the controller, I don’t think I can return two views at once. I don’t know if that’s your case, but you can reroute to different routes, return RedirectToRoute(new { controller = "controlador", action = "ação" });.


As far as I know there’s no way you can open two Views.

To Action of your Controller must return a View only.

But in his View you can create flaps.


The action returns only one view, what you can do is in this view call an ajax that opens the new view in another tab but... I do not know if it is the best to do.


The controller allows directing only to a view. But you can, no load from your view, open a new tab with javascript.

In his view, add this function to a block of script:

function novaaba() {"SUA_URL_AQUI", '_blank');

And then call her on load of your body, thus:

<body onLoad="novaaba();">


Within your order view you will have to call a partial view.

     <lengend>Itens do pedido</legend>
     @Html.Partial("ItemDoPedido", idPedido)

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