How to include a file created style.css in my Blank IONIC 3 project


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help me put the css in Ionic, only works if I put inline style

  • @Péttrinmiranda as well as the file index.html It’s not the right file! index.html is the main file of the application, being made by it the rendering of the other screen in the project, that is, everything that is declared inside it has the scope as being global inclusive Css.

1 answer


I’m not so sure if this method is effective, Ionic works with a page system that has its own css (in the case of Ionic is scss). If you cannot create a page the command is as follows ionic g page nome_da_pagina. In your case there are two questions, this your css you want to use in a single page or use in all?

If the answer is a single page, you can place your css inside the page you want (in this case login.scss)

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Or if you want your css to be recognized throughout the project, add it to a component called app.scss

css global app.scss

To learn more about styling on Ionic

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