Repeat(while) structure conversion in C to Assembly mips


Viewed 159 times


Suppose that i and kcorrespond to the registers $s3 and $s5, and the basis of array save is in $s6.

What code Assembly MIPS corresponding to that code segment C?

while( s a v e [ i ] == k )
i += 1 ;

1 answer


You can use the GNU Compiler Collection to generate the code Assembly equivalent to the program originally written in language C.

Assuming you’re in an architecture x86, you will need a version of GCC capable of generating machine code for the architectures MIPS (cross-pilot), in the case in question we will use the mips64-linux-gnu-gcc.

Installing the GCC in distros Redhat (yum):

# yum install gcc-mips64-linux-gnu

Installing the GCC in distros Debian (apt-get):

# apt-get install gcc-mips64-linux-gnu 

First we implemented a program containing the language code segment C which will be analyzed, let’s call it teste.c:

int main( void )
    int i = 0;
    int k = 1;
    int save[ 8 ] = { 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 };

    while( save[ i ] == k )
        i += 1;

    return 0;

To generate the code in Assembly for architecture MIPS equivalent to the program teste.c listed above:

$ mips64-linux-gnu-gcc -S teste.c -o teste.asm

A file of name teste.asm will be generated:

    .file   1 "teste.c"
    .section .mdebug.abiN32
    .gnu_attribute 4, 1
    .align  3
    .word   8
    .word   7
    .word   6
    .word   5
    .word   4
    .word   3
    .word   2
    .word   1
    .align  2
    .globl  main
    .set    nomips16
    .ent    main
    .type   main, @function
    .frame  $fp,64,$31      # vars= 48, regs= 1/0, args= 0, gp= 0
    .mask   0x40000000,-8
    .fmask  0x00000000,0
    .set    noreorder
    .set    nomacro
    addiu   $sp,$sp,-64
    sd  $fp,56($sp)
    move    $fp,$sp
    sw  $0,0($fp)
    li  $2,1            # 0x1
    sw  $2,4($fp)
    lui $2,%hi(.LC0)
    addiu   $3,$2,%lo(.LC0)
    ldl $4,%lo(.LC0)($2)
    move    $5,$4
    ldr $5,7($3)
    addiu   $3,$2,%lo(.LC0)
    ldl $4,8($3)
    ldr $4,15($3)
    addiu   $3,$2,%lo(.LC0)
    ldl $6,16($3)
    move    $7,$6
    ldr $7,23($3)
    move    $3,$7
    addiu   $2,$2,%lo(.LC0)
    ldl $6,24($2)
    move    $7,$6
    ldr $7,31($2)
    move    $2,$7
    sd  $5,8($fp)
    sd  $4,16($fp)
    sd  $3,24($fp)
    sd  $2,32($fp)
    .option pic0
    j   .L2

    .option pic2
    lw  $2,0($fp)
    addiu   $2,$2,1
    sw  $2,0($fp)
    lw  $2,0($fp)
    sll $2,$2,2
    addu    $2,$fp,$2
    lw  $3,8($2)
    lw  $2,4($fp)
    beq $3,$2,.L3

    move    $2,$0
    move    $sp,$fp
    ld  $fp,56($sp)
    addiu   $sp,$sp,64
    j   $31

    .set    macro
    .set    reorder
    .end    main
    .size   main, .-main
    .ident  "GCC: (GNU) 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-16)"

With a brief review of the code Assembly generated, we finally arrived at the code segment equivalent to the loop while:

    j   .L2

    .option pic2
    lw  $2,0($fp)
    addiu   $2,$2,1     # i += 1;
    sw  $2,0($fp)
    lw  $2,0($fp)
    sll $2,$2,2
    addu    $2,$fp,$2
    lw  $3,8($2)
    lw  $2,4($fp)
    beq $3,$2,.L3       # while( save[ i ] == k )

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