Reload video element with external link


Viewed 39 times


Follow code jQuery:

var el = $('#embed_video video').get(0);
var urlVideo = '';
urlVideo = urlVideo + '?t=' + new Date().getTime();
//urlVideo =
el.src = urlVideo;

Follows HTML:

<div id="embed_video" class="embed-responsive">
    <video class="embed-responsive-item" controls controlsList="nodownload">
        <source src="" type="video/mp4">
        Seu navegador não suporta vídeo em HTML5.

I use API’s Cloudinary. I upload a video on the server side with the same URL, but with different video. With the above code not working, I’m trying to do a "refresh" on the video element, but the old video remains the same.

When I press "F5" or refresh page, the video works as expected, it already changes the video loaded in the cloud (cloudinary).

Any idea how to reload a video using jQuery or Javascript?

1 answer


The browser caches the video, so it’s no use just changing the src, it is necessary to resinserir the tag video whole (with the new src). Would look like this:

var urlVideo = ''+ new Date().getTime();

var tag_video = '<video class="embed-responsive-item" controls controlsList="nodownload">'
+'<source src="'+ urlVideo +'" type="video/mp4">'
+'Seu navegador não suporta vídeo em HTML5.'

$('#embed_video video').get(0).play();

Since you are replacing one HTML with another, you do not need the functions .pause() and .load().

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