Void Checkerror Oracle x IIS


Viewed 58 times


Well, due to the exhaustion of my attempts to find the error, I’m going to try to get a light here with you. I apologize now if the error is too generic and does not have the necessary information.

But there goes a part of the scenario and the situation:

SITUATION: The application running on the ISS in homologation or production, being used by multiple users at a given time falls on any part of the application. This occurs when accessing a method or switching pages. It is necessary to restart IIS for the application to work again. Error triggered:

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I have the impression that this information is very generic. The method in which the error occurs is a method of user acquisition. This method is triggered in every page change. It can happen in other methods of access to the bank as well. That’s why I won’t put code in at first.

OBS: Running the application on the machine itself in visual studio does not happen any error at any time.

Given that the only mistake is when it’s running on the IIS, I’d like to know what might be causing it. If it is some configuration of IIS, or if it may be some problem of management of connections with oracle that restarting IIS it clears and then back to funfar.

I am open to making edits including information according to suggestions and any path hint to investigate will be welcome.

1 answer


From the brief description, the problem seems to be happening because of the recycling settings of the application pool of your website/application on IIS.

Review the recycling settings, maybe your problem will be solved.

A link to learn more about recycling of the pool in the OSI.

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