How to open my 404 component in case of error without changing the URL in Vue.js


Viewed 194 times


How do I open my "Notfound" component, inside another component, using beforeRouteEnter, without changing the url?

I created a dynamic route, and a * to open "Notfound" in all other cases.


    path: '/work/:id',
    name: 'work',
    component: () => import( './views/Work.vue' )



    path: '*',
    name: 'NotFound',
    component: () => import( './views/NotFound.vue' )


Inside the Work.Vue component I check to see if the id exists in the static json. If it does not exist, call "Notfound"

beforeRouteEnter (to, from, next) {
    next(vm => {
        vm.item = json.find(item => == vm.$

        if(!vm.item) {
            next({name: NotFound})


It calls "Notfound" (that is, the message I created in this component appears), the problem is that the url changes from to the root, that is I wish the url wasn’t changed.

1 answer


Try to use this, I believe it should work:

    path: '/404',
    name: 'notFound.index',
    component: () => import( './views/NotFound.vue' ),
  { path: '*', redirect: '/404' },
  • I appreciate the answer, but in case I don’t want to redirect the errors to the route /404. I would like the url with the error in the page.

  • I get it, you have two options when I see use alias or use history replaceState... I would recommend trying the alias first, I believe it should work :)

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