incrementation table test


Viewed 88 times


I didn’t understand at all and I’ve been trying for hours to understand these two functions. Why do these results come out?

I’ve done dozens of table tests and no hits.

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    int x=0,y=0,z=0;
        if((++x>2) && (y++>4))
        printf("x: %d  y: %d\n",x,y); 

This displays x=5 and y=7.

In the other case the function is:

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    int x=0,y=0,z=0;
        if((++x>3) || (++y>2))
        printf("x: %d  y: %d\n",x,y); 

This displays x=8 y=3

2 answers


The difference is that ++x first increases the value of x, and only then use this value for whatever it is being used. Now x++ first uses the value of x in the expression, and only then increments. A simple example:

int x = 0;
if (x++ > 0) {
    printf("entrou no if\n");
printf("%d\n", x);

This example first uses the value of x in comparison. How x valley zero, x > 0 is not true, so does not enter the if. After the x is used in comparison, it is incremented, and the code prints:


Now if we do:

int x = 0;
if (++x > 0) {
    printf("entrou no if\n");
printf("%d\n", x);

In that case, first x is incremented and its value becomes 1. After that it is used in the comparison x > 0 (which is now true, since x is worth 1). That’s why the code prints:

entered the if

So let’s understand the codes.

int x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;
for(z = 0; z < 7; z++)
    if((++x > 2) && (y++ > 4))
printf("x: %d  y: %d\n", x, y);

The for will run 7 times. Like the z is not used within the loop (it is only used to control the amount of times the for wheel), we can simply analyze the values of x and y each of the 7 iterations.

Remembering that, as we have &&, this means that both conditions must be true to enter the if. If the first one is false, he won’t even rate the second.

In the first iteration, ++x > 2 increment x, which becomes worth 1. Then the comparison > 2 is false, and so the second condition is not even tested. So now we have to x is worth 1 and y remains zero (and does not enter the if).

In the second iteration, x is increased to 2, the condition > 2 is false and y neither is evaluated, and therefore remains zero (and does not yet enter the if).

In the third iteration, x is increased to 3 and now the condition > 2 is true. But how && requires both conditions to be true, he needs to test y. So y++ > 4 first test the condition > 4 (which is false because y is zero) and then increments y, worth 1. That’s why you don’t enter the if.

In the fourth iteration, x is increased to 4 and the condition > 2 is true. So y++ > 4 test the condition > 4, which is still false (because y is still worth 1) and y is incremented to 2. And still does not enter the if.

In the fifth iteration, x is increased to 5 and the condition > 2 is true. So y++ > 4 test the condition > 4, which is still false (because y is still worth 2) and y is incremented to 3. And still does not enter the if.

In the sixth iteration, x is increased to 6 and the condition > 2 is true. So y++ > 4 test the condition > 4, which is still false (because y is still worth 3) and y is incremented to 4. And still does not enter the if.

In the seventh iteration, x is increased to 7 and the condition > 2 is true. So y++ > 4 test the condition > 4, which is still false (because y is still worth 4) and y is incremented to 5. And still does not enter the if.

Like the for only runs 7 times, the loop ends, with x equal to 7 and y equal to 5.

int x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;
for(z = 0; z < 5; z++)
    if((++x > 3) || (++y > 2))
printf("x: %d  y: %d\n", x, y);

Similarly, the loop runs 5 times. But now the if possesses ||, which means that if one of the conditions is true, it’s enough. So if the first one is true, it doesn’t even test the second.

In the first iteration, x is incremented to 1 and the comparison > 3 is false. But the || only needs one of the conditions to be true, so he tests the next. y is incremented to 1 and the test > 2 is fake. So do not enter the if.

In the second iteration, x is increased to 2 and the comparison > 3 is false. y is incremented to 2 and the test > 2 is fake. So do not enter the if.

In the third iteration, x is increased to 3 and the comparison > 3 is false. y is incremented to 3 and the test > 2 is true. So now get into if, increasing x for 4.

In the fourth iteration, x is increased to 5 and the comparison > 3 is true. As the || just needs one of the conditions to be true, it doesn’t even test the other (so y remains 3). And as the first comparison was true, he enters the if, increasing x for 6.

In the sixth iteration, x is incremented to 7, the comparison > 3 It’s real, get into the if and x is incremented to 8.

In the end, we have to x is 8 and y is 3.


Values return different due to the way the code is executed. Operators x++ (post-increment) and ++x (preincrement) perform at different times the sum of 1 to the variable value.

Behold this answer for more details on pre and post increment operators.

When you use condicao1 || condicao2, the first condition is always evaluated; the second condition is evaluated only if the first is false. By using condicao1 | condicao2, both are valued, regardless of the value of the first.

  • in the second case because when it arrives at y=3 it stops counting

  • by chance when enters the || inside the if and the first condition has given true, it stops using the second condition and therefore has not increased more in the y?

  • Updated response.

  • caaraaaaaaaaaaamba, I am since 4am in the afternoon doing table test, various sheets kkk thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!

  • I’m glad you understand! Don’t forget to mark the question as solved.

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