Set the selected value in a Selectlist (Dropdownlist)


Viewed 4,024 times


I have a list of vehicle models:

 private List<ModeloRastreador> modelo = new List<ModeloRastreador>();

add the result that came from the bank

foreach (var m in modelo)
    modeloRastreador.Add(new SelectListItem { 
        Text = m.Nome, 
        Value = Convert.ToString(m.ID) 

step to my viewbag

 ViewBag.ModelosVeiculos = modeloVeiculos;

and for the dropdown

@Html.DropDownList("ModeloID", new SelectList(ViewBag.ModelosVeiculos, "value", "text"),
new { 
    style = "width:280px", 
    @class = "form-control form-control-last", 
    @id = "ModeloID" 

Up ai beauty, but I want to set a value, equal to HTML Selected.

  • 1

    Yes Tiago, that’s right, I decided to create a Viewbag.Selectedvalue and passing in the third parameter of the dropdown the value in the case of the ID that came from the database, which was to be selected, being thus @Html.Dropdownlist("Modeloid", new Selectlist(Viewbag.Modelslevehicles, "value", "text", Viewbag.Selectedvalue)

1 answer


Change the View code so you can write to the property Selected:

@Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.ModeloID, ((IEnumerable<SelectListItem>)ViewBag.ModelosVeiculos)
.Select(option => new SelectListItem {
    Text = option.Text,
    Value = option.Value,
    Selected = (Model != null) && (Model.ModeloID == Convert.ToInt32(option.ModeloID)
)}, "Escolha...", new 
    style = "width:280px", 
    @class = "form-control form-control-last", 
    @id = "ModeloID" 

Or change the code in the Controller (this example would be for a Edit):

foreach (var m in modelo)
    modeloRastreador.Add(new SelectListItem { 
        Text = m.Nome, 
        Value = Convert.ToString(m.ID),
        Selected = (m.ID == modelSelecionado.ModeloID) 
  • I can get the value of the dropdownlist by creating it at runtime ?

  • @Andreeh What execution time? At View or in the Controller?

  • Whatever, I need to pick up the selected id at the drop and do a check with it.

  • @Andreeh Yes, you can. Preferably mount to DropDown in View. All responsibility for how the information is presented is View.

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