Format number with Javascript


Viewed 3,800 times


I need to format whole numbers, example:

let num = 1234567;
// saída 1.234.567

However, if the number you are going to have has decimal places that appear to no more than two decimal places. Example:

let num = 1234567.891
// saída 1.234.567,89

let num2 = 123.4
// saída 123,4

That is, if an integer shows formatted with no decimal places, now if a number with decimal places comes up, show 2 places at most.

My code works to some extent, when the size passes 6 it does not format anymore. It is doing so:

let num = 1234567;
// saída 1234.567

Below my code:

export function fmtoNumero(val, n = 2, x = 3, s = '.', c = ',') {       
    let numval = Number(val);
    let re = '\\d(?=(\\d{' + x + '})(\\D|$))';

    numval = numval.toString().replace('.', c);
    numval = numval.replace(new RegExp(re, 'g'), '$&' + (s || ','));
    return numval;

2 answers


Instead of using regular expressions, you can use Javascript’s native API to achieve the same result more simply.

To fix the number of decimals, you can use the method toFixed:

(999.9).toFixed(2) // "999.90"
(100.158).toFixed(2) // "100.16"

To format the number by separating the thousands by comma, you can use the method toLocaleString:

(987654321).toLocaleString('pt-BR') // "987.654.321"
(9876543.21).toLocaleString('pt-BR') // "9.876.543,21"

However, if you want to combine the two, the most logical would be to chain the two, but this is not the case, since both methods return a string. So let’s just use the method toLocaleString, passing some options as second argument:

(987654.321).toLocaleString('pt-BR', {
  minimumFractionDigits: 2,
  maximumFractionDigits: 2
}) // "987.654,32"

Reference and recommended reading:


Complementing the accepted answer, there is still another alternative, which is to use a Intl.NumberFormat. Its operation is similar to toLocaleString:

let formatador = new Intl.NumberFormat('pt-BR',
    { minimumFractionDigits: 0, maximumFractionDigits: 2 }

[ 987654.321, 987654321 ].forEach(n => {
    console.log(`formatar ${n} = ${formatador.format(n)}`);

According to the documentation, wear a NumberFormat is more advantageous if you need to format a large amount of numbers. And making a basic test, in fact the solution with NumberFormat proved much faster.

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