Remove all before the first occurrence of a word gsub regex


Viewed 209 times


This is so simple but I can’t find the answer! I would like to delete everything before the first occurrence of the word "that" in a string:

What am I doing:

v <- c("blabla que 1", "blabla que eu Boqueirão que")
gsub(".*que", "", v)
# [1] " 1"   "irão"

The result I wanted was "1" and "I Boqueirão que" . when I try . * that the command has no effect. Thanks for your help!

  • If you give a space after que will work: gsub(".*que ", "", v). But there must be a more elegant solution than this.

  • this was an example, but the reality my bank is composed of several sentences where the "that" appears several times, so this solution does not work for me.

1 answer


I asked in stackoverflow in English and got the answer:

To keep the "what" sub(".*?(que)", "\\1", x) and not to keep the "what" sub(".*?que", "", x)

  • 1

    For explanatory purposes only: The ? after the * in regex makes the pattern non-greedy. This means that he will be satisfied with the first date he has and so solves the problem of the example of the question.

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