How important is the PWA (Progressive Web App) currently?


Viewed 36 times


I follow these pwas for a long time and always try to have the PWA of any project of mine because it is one of the requirements of Google Audits.

However, would like to understand what is the real importance of it in the current scenario.

We have webapps running on android and desktop only. For some reason iOS does not yet work the issue of suggesting downloading the webapp. Is the idea to create an alternative to Playstore/Applestore? Is it worth investing in addition to apps, webapps as well? It is one more concern that I would like to know if it is worth continuing to invest effort.

  • 2

    The Chrome 73 added OSX support for PWA. All desktop OS supports PWA’s,

  • Yes, I didn’t express it correctly. In fact, on iOS it doesn’t even suggest downloading the webapp as it is done on android and osx

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