I’m trying to make a simple registration but I’m getting an error message:
Syntaxerror: Unexpected token E in JSON at position 1
I could not solve, the script is thus configured:
$(document).ready(function () { $('#formulario').submit(function() { var dados = $('#formulario').serialize(); console.log(dados); $.ajax({ type : 'POST', url : 'insertKit.php', data : dados, dataType: 'json', success: function(response) { if (response.codigo == "1") { $("#mensagem").html('AVISO!' + response.mensagem + ''); window.setTimeout(function() { $(".alert-success").fadeTo(500, 0).slideUp(500, function() { $(this).remove(); window.location.href = "TabelaKits.php?id_produto="; }); }, 3000); } else { $("#mensagem").html('AVISO!' + response.mensagem + ''); } }, error: function(xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) { console.log(xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError); $("#mensagem").html('AVISO! Ocorreu um erro ao gravar o kit, entre em contato com o suporte técnico do site.'); } }); return false; }); });
The insertion script in the database looks like this:
When submitting my form is launched in my console the variables and their values:
And then the error message:
{readyState: 4, getResponseHeader: ƒ, getAllResponseHeaders: ƒ, setRequestHeader: ƒ, overrideMimeType: ƒ, …}abort: ƒ (a)always: ƒ ()complete: ƒ ()done: ƒ ()error: ƒ ()fail: ƒ ()getAllResponseHeaders: ƒ ()getResponseHeader: ƒ (a)overrideMimeType: ƒ (a)pipe: ƒ ()progress: ƒ ()promise: ƒ (a)readyState: 4responseText: "↵ERRO ao inserir registro no Banco"setRequestHeader: ƒ (a,b)state: ƒ ()status: 200statusCode: ƒ (a)statusText: "OK"success: ƒ ()then: ƒ ()__proto__: Object "parsererror" SyntaxError: Unexpected token E in JSON at position 1 at JSON.parse () at m.parseJSON (jquery.js:8520) at Pb (jquery.js:8846) at x (jquery.js:9264) at XMLHttpRequest.b (jquery.js:9718)
I read something about form field names being the same, but my form looks like this:
<form id="formulario" action="" method="post" >
<div id="mensagem" class=""></div>
<div class="table-responsive">
<table id="products-table" class="table table-hover table-bordered">
<th width="15%">Produto</th>
<th width="15%">Nº</th>
<th width="16%">Qtde.</th>
<th width="15%">Código</th>
<th width="32%">Descrição</th>
<th width="22%" class="actions">Ações</th>
<td><input type="text" name="produto[]" value="<?php echo $produto; ?>" readonly ></td>
<td><input type="text" name="numero[]" ></td>
<td><input type="text" name="quantidade[]"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="codigo[]"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="descricao[]"></td>
<td class="actions">
<button class="btn btn-large btn-danger btn-xs" onclick="RemoveTableRow(this)" type="button">Remover</button>
<td colspan="6" style="text-align: left;">
<button class="btn btn-large btn-success" onclick="AddTableRow(this)" type="button">Adicionar Linha</button>
<button class="btn btn-large btn-primary" type="submit">Gravar</button>
<?php if ($totalRows_rcKits > 0) { ?>
<a href="AlteraKits.php?produto=<?php echo $produto; ?>" class="btn btn-warning"> Tabela</a>
<?php } ?>
<p align="center"><a href="CadProdutos.php" class="btn btn-primary">Voltar</a></p>
Locally that insert
works perfectly.
One more detail I missed is that it is always falling in the exception message:
$("#message"). html('WARNING! An error occurred while saving the kit, please contact the website technical support.');
As requested follow the image of the Network tab:
Why is PHP code as an image? What is the value of
sent by the request?– Woss
Hi @Andersoncarloswoss, I couldn’t put the code because it was all messed up. The data value is this: product%5B%5D=2&number%5B%5D=10022&quantity%5B%5D=600&code%5B%5D=77&Description%5B%5D=44545
– adventistapr
Was the request made by the browser (check through the developer tools, Network tab)? If yes, what was the HTTP response obtained, especially the body of the response?
– Woss