Deezer API - Taking Json and PHP values


Viewed 83 times


I’m trying to get some information from the API, I was able to filter some things, but for example, I’m trying to get to the 'preview' link to play 30 seconds of music and I can’t get to it, I’ve done so far :


$url = '';
$jsonStr = file_get_contents($url);
$jsonArr = json_decode($jsonStr, true);

$album = array();

foreach ($jsonArr['data'] as $row) {
    $album[] = $row['album'];//['cover_xl'];


echo '<pre>'.print_r($album, true).'</pre>';


1 answer


I got it, actually, the access is direct.

foreach ($jsonArr['data'] as $row) {
    $album[] = $row['preview'];//['cover_xl'];


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