I am trying to export a table from the Postgres database to a txt (csv) file via Python, via psycopg2. However, I am encountering an error. The code is as follows (I switched login information to post):
import psycopg2
# Definição da conexão com a DB onde informo o nome, o usuário, a senha e o IP.
conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname=dbname user=user password=password host=iphost")
# Abertura da conexão para execução de queryes.
cur = conn.cursor()
# Query de consulta da tabela empresa. columns=None
f = open("\\\\server\\arquivos\\BD\\log.txt", "w")
copy_to(f, 'wphd.empresa', sep=';', null='')
# Fechar conexão com a DB.
The error that returns is as follows:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Py\Db\Conn_B_working.py", line 12, in <module>
copy_to(f, 'wphd.empresa', sep=';', null='')
NameError: name 'copy_to' is not defined
Can anyone tell me what’s missing? Grateful!
Fast and accurate. Thank you very much and sorry for the shame of beginner. It worked!
– tsachetto