I need to perform a query in a mongodb database that results in a set of results per time range. I am using pymongo. My consultation is as follows:
queryConsulta = {"$and": [
{"id_no": id_node},
{"porta": porta},
{"datahora":{"$gte": self.horaInicio}},
{"datahora": {"$lte": self.now}}
listaResultados = db.minhacolecao.find(queryConsulta)
I tried that way too:
queryConsulta = {"id_no":int(id_node),
"datahora": {"$gte":self.horaInicio, "$lte":self.now }}
listaResultados = db.minhacolecao.find(queryConsulta)
However the result is always empty. I have tested directly on mongodb but the result is empty. I’m sure the data exists in the database with the time range I’m searching.