The . click() could not serve as a function handler since it only works with Function() to be executed?


Viewed 78 times


I’ve been reading the documentation of jQuery because a question arose about the use of .click() and found nothing but the use of .click() with Handler Function() if in the documentation has nothing else to serve other than event handlers, why not use the .click() and perform a function by itself, without the use of function(), since it is justified to exist only with the use of function() in it?

Instead of:

<p>MEU PÊ</p>

$( "p" ).click(function() {
  $( this ).slideUp();


<p>MEU PÊ</p>

$( "p" ).click() {
  $( this ).slideUp();

For if in the documentation itself it has no references and has no examples and the documentation itself is:

Description: Link an event handler to the Javascript event "click" or trigger this event in an element.

  • The .click() is already a native JS method.

  • @Sam refers to Function() inside click(), if click() uses Function() handler to explain its existence, why not have the click() with the manipulator function already included, ex: $("p"). click(Function(){ ....... }); could be just $("p"). click(){ ....... };

  • 1

    @Eliseub. Look at Lipespry’s answer. But in summary: if you did it the way you expect, you would be running the function at the same time, but that’s not the idea of "click", what it does is store the function (why Function is passed as parameter) to be executed only when the user clicks on the element.

  • @Julia but the idea is this, perform the function when there is a click, the doubt is because it is not a function in itself and has dependency on Function() for the event to work, since that is all it does, call the Function.

1 answer


"- why not use the .click() and perform a function by itself without using Function()"

Quick response

You are wanting to "define the method" already in your own execution. That’s wrong! It wasn’t done like that and we must conform!

This form is incorrect:

$( "p" ).click() {
  $( this ).slideUp();

About the method .click()

The click() is a Javascript method for any HTMLElementObject (HTML elements), BUT its behavior is different when it is attached to a jQuery object.

  • Pure Javascript:

The method .click() simulates a click on the object - as if the user were pointing the mouse and clicking. See:

        document.getElementById('checkbox').click(); // <<<<
<input type="checkbox" id="checkbox">
<button type="button" id="botao">Clique aqui</button>

  • Javascript com jQuery:

The method .click(), when on a jQuery object, catching the event click and executes a Handler (similar to a callback) which should be passed as argument. See:

function myScript(){
    alert('Executou myScript()!');
<script src=""></script>

<button type="button" id="btnClick">Clique!</button>

The way you exemplified it is "as if it were a short way" to define the Handler:

$( "p" ).click(function() {
  $( this ).slideUp();

You can use both ways. This suits your project. If you will use the same "function(){}" as Handler of various events, ideal is you use the first way - defining a function and later invoking it within the method .click(). But, if you are going to use this code block only once, why not put it directly into the method!? ;D

Note, too, that in this way arguments cannot be defined in the function call! If there is, you must, again, return to the block function(){ foo(arg1, arg2); }.


How we are talking specifically about the event click, why not comment on the various valid ways?!

  • Straight into the element:

      <element onclick="myScript">
  • In pure Javascript:

      object.onclick = function(){myScript};
  • In pure Javascript - using the method addEventListener (does not work in Internet Explorer <= 8):

      object.addEventListener("click", myScript);
  • Javascript with jQuery - using the method on:

      $('#id').on('click', myScript);

Note: in the 3 examples above, myScript is the call of the function...

Recommended reading: W3schools: onclick Event (in English)

Recommended reading: W3schools: HTML DOM click() Method (in English)

Recommended reading: jQuery . click() Documentation (in English)

  • 1

    That is the answer that cleared my doubt, I believed. click() had some other reason in jQuery not to be the function event itself, and explaining how it is in javascript was all well clarified. Thank you!

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