Delete multiple rows from a database


Viewed 4,763 times


I’d like to delete several figures. For example this would be to delete a line

  delete from paginasimagens where idPaginasImagens=121;

my values are sequentially so a method that is between elements serves;

  • 2

    you can use a where coluna in (1,2,3) or where coluna between 1 and 30

  • There are some techniques described in Delete row set in huge tables ->

4 answers


If you will manually type the Ids:

delete from paginasimagens where idPaginasImagens in (121, 122, 123)

If Ids come from a query:

delete from paginasimagens where idPaginasImagens in (SELECT idPaginasImagens FROM outraTabela)

If you want to delete a sequence of Ids:

delete from paginasimagens where idPaginasImagens between 1 and 30
  • 2

    In my opinion, this is the most appropriate answer to the user’s doubt.


Use the operator BETWEEN to obtain the desired result, using the first value (which will be included in the exclusion) and the last value (which will also be deleted):

DELETE FROM paginasimagens
 WHERE idPaginasImagens BETWEEN 121 AND 123;


If expr is Greater than or Equal to min and expr is Less than or Equal to max, BETWEEN Returns 1, otherwise it Returns 0.

In free translation:

If expr is greater than or equal to the minimum and expr is less than or equal to the maximum, BETWEEN return 1, or return 0.


To delete all table data also, with TRUNCATE:

TRUNCATE TABLE paginasimagens;
  • 3

    Even if formatting the server usually erases the lines together

  • 4

    @Sorack hardware alternative

  • 2

    @Bacco justo hahaha


Utilizes the checkbox in your table name="item[]" in PHP creates a loop with foreach:

foreach($_POST['item'] as $item) {

  $sql("delete from paginasimagens WHERE id = '$item'");<br>
  $sql = $conexao->query($sql) or die($conexao->error);


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