Inserting Data Conditionally in MYSQL


Viewed 27 times


I have a table: conluna1, column2, column3.. The first two columns have integer data, 0 and 1, while the third column is without even a record. I would like to fill this column according to one condition, that is, if column 1 and column 2 are filled with the number 0, I would like to fill column 3 with the number 0, otherwise it would be number 1. Thank you.

1 answer


Use the clause CASE to make the decision:

UPDATE tabela
   SET coluna3 = CASE
                   WHEN coluna1 = 0 AND coluna2 = 0 THEN 0
                   ELSE 1


The CASE statement for stored Programs Implements a Complex conditional Construct.

In free translation:

The clause CASE for stored programs implements a complex conditional structure.

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  • Solved. Thanks for the code, helped bastaten.

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    Okay, I’ve seen and I’ve clicked.

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