Merge results and cross with another table


Viewed 682 times


I have two tables in Mysql:


id - tratamentos
1  - 1
2  - 1,2,3
3  - 2,3


id - nome
1  - Facial
2  - Corporal
3  - Outros

I want to make a query where I can return the following result:

id - tratamentos_id - tratamentos_nomes
1  - 1              - Facial
2  - 1,2,3          - Facial, Corporal, Outros
3  - 2,3            - Corporal, Outros
  • 1

    Just by eye I recommend normalizing properly to table_agendamentos. No problem repeating id if fields are composite keys.

  • 1

    If you don’t know what @gmsantos is talking about, check out an example at

2 answers


Assuming you can normalize the table_agendamentos according to the comments, it is possible to get the result you want with a group_concat.

Normalized schedule table:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

SELECT a.id_agendamento, GROUP_CONCAT(, GROUP_CONCAT(t.nome) 
FROM table_agendamentos a
INNER JOIN table_tratamentos t ON = a.id_tratamentos
GROUP BY a.id_agendamento;


inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Example in sqlfiddle


Follows a possibility:

Create a table and indicate separated by records the id and possible treatments.

CREATE TABLE `table_agendamentos` (
   `id_table_agendamentos` int(11) NOT NULL,
   `id_agendamento` int(11) NOT NULL,
   `id_tratamentos` int(11) NOT NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY (`id_table_agendamentos`)

INSERT INTO `table_agendamentos` VALUES

Keep the table below:

CREATE TABLE `tabe_tratamentos` (
  `id_tabe_tratamentos` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `nome` varchar(45) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id_tabe_tratamentos`)

INSERT INTO `tabe_tratamentos` VALUES (1,'Facial'),(2,'Corporal'),(3,'Outros');

Now to return what you want to do to the following SQL:

select * from tabe_tratamentos where id_tabe_tratamentos IN (

SELECT id_tratamentos FROM table_agendamentos where id_agendamento = 2)


Select TT.nome from tabe_tratamentos as TT 
Inner join table_agendamentos as TA ON TA.id_tratamentos = TT.id_tabe_tratamentos 
where TA.id_agendamento = 2;

All results:

Select TA.id_agendamento,  GROUP_CONCAT(TT.nome) from tabe_tratamentos as TT 
Inner join table_agendamentos as TA
ON TA.id_tratamentos = TT.id_tabe_tratamentos
GROUP BY TA.id_agendamento;
  • But this final query does not reach the expected result in the question

  • I changed the post:test like this:select * from tabe_treatments Where id_tabe_treatments IN ( SELECT id_treatments FROM table_schedules Where id_scheduling = 2)

  • The select remains wrong

  • Here what you can do is specify what kind of scheduling you want on the Where line TA.id_scheduling = 2; and refine the sql.

  • But in question Felipe wants all the names of treatments in a single line for all appointments.

  • Select TA.id_agendamento, GROUP_CONCAT(TT.id_tabe_tratamentos), GROUP_CONCAT(TT.nome) from tabe_tratamentos as TT 
Inner join table_agendamentos as TA
ON TA.id_tratamentos = TT.id_tabe_tratamentos
GROUP BY TA.id_agendamento;


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