Extracting json value from page


Viewed 103 times


Good evening. I’m trying to extract a json value from a certain page. Trial code:

package main  

import (

type Response struct {
    proxy             string `json:"proxy"`
    ip                string `json:"ip"`
    port              string `json:"port"`
    connectionType    string `json:"connectionType"`
    asn               string `json:"asn"`
    isp               string `json:"isp"`
    resType           string `json:"type"`
    lastChecked       int    `json:"lastChecked"`
    get               bool   `json:"get"`
    post              bool   `json:"post"`
    cookies           bool   `json:"cookies"`
    referer           bool   `json:"referer"`
    userAgent         bool   `json:"userAgent"`
    city              string `json:"city"`
    state             string `json:"state"`
    country           string `json:"country"`
    randomUserAgent   string `json:"randomUserName"`
    requestsRemaining int    `json:"requestsRemaining"`

func main()  {
    res, _ := http.Get("http://falcon.proxyrotator.com:51337/?apiKey=&country=BR")
    body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)

    var myStoredVariable Response
    json.Unmarshal(body, &myStoredVariable)

The code doesn’t return anything.

Reply JSON gives page:

    "proxy": "",
    "ip": "",
    "port": "57624",
    "connectionType": "Residential",
    "asn": "263603",
    "isp": "Duplanet Internet E Informatica Ltda - Me",
    "type": "elite",
    "lastChecked": 1552253479,
    "get": true,
    "post": true,
    "cookies": true,
    "referer": true,
    "userAgent": true,
    "city": "Guaramirim",
    "state": "SC",
    "country": "BR",
    "randomUserAgent": "Mozilla\/5.0 (Linux Android 4.1.2 DROID RAZR HD Build\/9.8.1Q-94) AppleWebKit\/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome\/32.0.1700.99 Mobile Safari\/537.36",
    "requestsRemaining": 15588

I need to get the value of proxy, How can I do it? Thank you.

  • Just one detail: you can convert JSON to Struct using https://mholt.github.io/json-to-go/. The fields must be public/exportable, with the initial uppercase, after all you are passing this struct to another library.

4 answers


I got it this way:

request, _ := http.Get("http://falcon.proxyrotator.com:51337/?apiKey=&country=BR")
data, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(request.Body)
var estrutura map[string]interface{}
json.Unmarshal(data, &estrutura)


The fields of the structure should be exported:

type Response struct {
    Proxy             string `json:"proxy"`
    IP                string `json:"ip"`
    Port              string `json:"port"`
    ConnectionType    string `json:"connectionType"`
    ASN               string `json:"asn"`
    ISP               string `json:"isp"`
    ResType           string `json:"type"`
    LastChecked       int    `json:"lastChecked"`
    Get               bool   `json:"get"`
    Post              bool   `json:"post"`
    Cookies           bool   `json:"cookies"`
    Referer           bool   `json:"referer"`
    UserAgent         bool   `json:"userAgent"`
    City              string `json:"city"`
    State             string `json:"state"`
    Country           string `json:"country"`
    RandomUserAgent   string `json:"randomUserName"`
    RequestsRemaining int    `json:"requestsRemaining"`
    Error             string `json:"error"`
  • 1

    This response should be marked as certain.


json.Unmarshal receives a buffer (byte array) and a structure which will be populated with the values of that JSON. Where is the declaration of that structure?

You need to declare the structure and a variable of the same type before passing it to Umarshal.

import (

type Response struct {
    proxy             string `json:"proxy"`
    ip                string `json:"ip"`
    port              string `json:"port"`
    connectionType    string `json:"connectionType"`
    asn               string `json:"asn"`
    isp               string `json:"isp"`
    resType           string `json:"type"`
    lastChecked       int    `json:"lastChecked"`
    get               bool   `json:"get"`
    post              bool   `json:"post"`
    cookies           bool   `json:"cookies"`
    referer           bool   `json:"referer"`
    userAgent         bool   `json:"userAgent"`
    city              string `json:"city"`
    state             string `json:"state"`
    country           string `json:"country"`
    randomUserAgent   string `json:"randomUserName"`
    requestsRemaining int    `json:"requestsRemaining"`

func recuperarProxy() string {
    res, _ := http.Get("http://api.com/?country=BR")
    body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)

    var myStoredVariable Response
    json.Unmarshal(body, &myStoredVariable)
    return myStoredVariable.proxy

This code obviously won’t work for http://api.com/? country=BR not being a URL that returns the mentioned JSON, but that’s the idea.

  • I did not succeed with this code, it simply does not return anything to me. I will update the trial code with the link that returns the JSON.


According to the errors that appears:

  1. You need to define myStoredVariable before.
  2. Utilize myStoredVariable["proxy"] instead of myStoredVariable['proxy'].

How would it look:

url := "http://api.com/?country=BR"
req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil)
res, _ := http.DefaultClient.Do(req)
defer res.Body.Close()
body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)

myStoredVariable := map[string]interface{}{}
json.Unmarshal([]byte(body), &myStoredVariable)
return myStoredVariable["proxy"]

In my solution I used a map that the key is a text and the values are of any kind, the good thing is that you write less.

  • I tried this way and I got: .\teste.go:44:21: type map[string]interface {} is not an expression

  • Must be map[string]interface{}{}, not map[string]interface{}.

  • I tried this way: myStoredVariable := map[string]interface{}{}
json.Unmarshal([]byte(body), &myStoredVariable)
return myStoredVariable["proxy"] and returned me: cannot use myStoredVariable["proxy"] (type interface {}) as type string in return argument: need type assertion

  • myStoredVariable["proxy"] returns an interface{}, which can be anything, if your function returns string, you need some treatment before.

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